Friday, November 20, 2015

September 2015 - Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland......

After 4 wonderful years living in Germany, we are moving on!  Panama - next stop!!!

We will truly miss our absolutely wonderful apartment at Vierzigmannstr, 20 in the great city of Erlangen, the country of Germany and the continent of Europe.  If we could stay without a job, we would, but we can't.  So on to the next adventure in our lives.

In the past week we have made sure that we spent time with old friends and visited our old haunts in Erlangen.  Here are a few photos......

Ahhhhh Steinbach Braü

Our Charlotte

Charlotte's new little sister, Helene
Gardens at Erlangen Palace

Erlangen Market and our Chicken Man

Altstädt Kirchenplatz
Our local Metzgerie (butcher)
Enoteca Erlangen


Ristorante Carpaccio (aka Pizza Regina)
Tim's choice - Pizza Regina
Jayne's choice - Pizza Hawaii


The best bruschetta EVER!  Two pieces free with dinner.
Bamberg with good friends

Little Venice on Main - Bamberg

Biergarten on the river

Dayle and Timo

And, in the middle of all of this, our wonderful friends, Maureen and Peter Kolassa are cruising through our neighbourhood on a River Cruise.  We meet them for lunch, in Bamberg.....
Maureen and Peter Kolassa
An evening with some adidas colleagues....
Nik Aleksander and his fiancé AnnMaria

Steve Rogers and Rachel .........

Our home for 4 years.....

Entrance way

Packing up.......

A special crate for our carbon fibre road bikes.
Thanks guys!!!

Bye bye!

Leaving it just the way we got it.

Final packing at the Hotel Rokoko in Erlangen.
Waiting for the taxi!!
Checking in!!!
NUE to AMS - 1.5 hrs
AMS to PTY - 10.5 hrs
(yes, we up-graded ourselves to Business Class - ahhhh!)

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